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Conflagration within ARG/ M. Mohaqeq Dismissed

After conflagration at the president’s office and Gulkhana palace, experts conceived it as a sign of collapse to the presidential palace.
According to experts, the first manifestation of this indication began with the dismissal of the second deputy to the executive directorate Mohammad Mohaqeq; a dismissal, which according to the formation of NUG’s agreement, means the collapse of the agreement and.

After conflagration at the president’s office and Gulkhana palace, experts conceived it as a sign of collapse to the presidential palace.
According to experts, the first manifestation of this indication began with the dismissal of the second deputy to the executive directorate Mohammad Mohaqeq; a dismissal, which according to the formation of NUG’s agreement, means the collapse of the agreement and consequently the collapse of the government.
Experts say that the dismissal of any of these six people (the president, executive directorate and their deputies) means incredibility of the NUG.

According to the constitution, the president’s tenure will terminate after July and he must hand over the power to his first vice president General Abdul Rashid Dostum; otherwise, the dismissal of one of the leaders of the NUG would mean the collapse of the system.

Despite it, ARG has recently dismissed the second deputy to the executive directorate Mohammad Mohaqeq, who is also the second deputy to the “Peace and Moderation” electoral ticket.
President Ghani has signed the dismissal of Mohammad Mohaqeq, second deputy to the Chief Executive of the Afghanistan NUG, said Mohammad Haroun Chakhansoori in a statement on Thursday.

According to president’s decree, Mohaqiq has been dismissed as the Article 13 and Item 64 of the country’s constitution.
This comes as President Ghani himself, CE Abdullah Abdullah, the first and second vice president as well as the first deputy to the executive directorate who are all part of an electoral ticket, continue their duties.

Earlier, some political parties and electoral tickets expressed concerns over president Ghani and Dr. Abdullah, using their power in favor of their electoral tickets.
The “Peace and Moderation” electoral ticket and Mohammad Mohaqeq have not yet reacted against ARG’s measure.

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