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3 Afghan Senators Busted on Bribery Charges: AGO

Afghanistan’s Attorney General Office (AGO) and the National Directorate of Security (NDS) said in a joint statement that three senators were arrested on bribery charges in northern Balkh province.

According to the statement released on Monday, these senators were arrested on charges of taking about 40,000 USD as a bribe.
“Officials of the General Directorate of National Security along with representatives of the Attorney General Office arrested on Sunday three members of Mishrano Jirga (Senators) on charges of taking 40 thousand US dollars as a bribe,” the statement said.

The statement explains that these senators had gone to Balkh province to monitor and advance some issues.
The Attorney General’s office stressed that the detention of the three senators had been reported to the Senate of the National Assembly.
According to sources, the arrested senators are Mohammad Anwar Bashliq, Mohammad Azim Quyash, and Liyaqatullah Babakrkhil.

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