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Afghanistan Condemns Israel’s Attacks and Encroachment on Palestinian People

Afghan Foreign Minister in a telephonic conversation with his Palestinian counterpart condemned escalation of attacks and encroachment on the Palestinian people during the holy Ramadan Month and Eid-ul-Fitr.

Foreign Minister Haneef Atmar called the bloody attacks unacceptable for the Islamic countries and the world’s peace-loving nations, urging an immediate end to the violence in the region.
Minister Atmar conveyed President Ashraf Ghani and the people of Afghanistan’s deepest condolences to the Palestinian government and people for the martyrdom of dozens of civilians, including women and children, and prayed for swift recovery of the injured.

Expressing Afghan people’s solidarity with the suffering people of Palestine, Atmar said that Afghanistan supported the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to an independent state, within the borders set out in the 1967 UN Security Council Resolution.

During the conversation, Mr. Al-Maliki thanked the Foreign Minister for expressing sympathy and called the support of the Islamic and other peace-loving countries important and valuable for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.
Minister Atmar invited Mr. Maliki to visit Afghanistan at his convenience.

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