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Balkh Residents: There is No Control over Markets and Prices

By Mohammad Mohammadi – DID Press Agency
Translated by Sayed Taher Mojab
Residents of Mazar-e-Sharif have expressed concerns over the astronomical rise in raw material prices, saying that despite four months of Taliban rule, there is no control over the market and prices.

Four months since the return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan, Mazar-e-Sharif residents are now complaining about the unprecedented rise in raw material prices, saying that the Taliban have not made any changes in the market and prices so far.
Ali Akbar Khalili, a civil and social activist in Balkh, says that four months since the establishment of the “Islamic Emirate” in Afghanistan, there have not been positive changes in the economic situation while the condition is getting worse day by day. He considers poverty, unemployment, brain drain, and the freezing of the country’s foreign assets by the United States, and the cut-off of humanitarian aid are big challenges during the winter season.
According to him, the people expect the Taliban to control the markets by curbing the rise of the US dollar, preventing hoarding, and overselling.

“After 4 months, the establishment of the Islamic Emirate is in a state of stagnation and collapse, from mental state to poor economic conditions, and unemployment,” says Taj Mohammad Sherzad, a civil activist in northern Balk province. “The situation of the people is so bad that some people are forced to sell their children or their body parts to provide a piece of bread for the remaining members of their family,” he added.

Davoud Gholami, a resident of Mazar-e-Sharif told DID Press that “the people are heading towards a big catastrophe. If the international community and the neighboring countries do not continue their humanitarian aid, we will witness a major crisis in the country.”

However, Zabihullah Nourani, head of the Taliban Information and Cultural Department in the province, promises the people that the country’s economy will return to normal shortly and that people will continue to work without any worries.

It is worth mentioning that the unprecedented devaluation of the national currency against the US dollar in the last two or three weeks has astronomically increased the prices of raw materials in the markets.

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