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Every day; We Witness Catastrophe

Now, it is the time that ARG should put away its totalitarian spirit and pay attention to this goodness that the only way to get out of this fragile situation and crisis, is just the consensus of all political influential forces within the administration.

Leaders of the national unity government have not relieved from burying the corpses and visiting the site of events in Paktia and Ghazni provinces yet, when another disaster took place in Kandahar, where nearly 50 national army soldiers are massacred by terrorists, and still, the nation has not relieved from the shock of Kandahar catastrophe, when bloody attacks on two mosques in Kabul and Ghor provinces occurred, mourning many families. At least 120 civilians were killed and wounded during the two assaults that happened late Friday.
About 50 national army soldiers were massacred by Taliban group in Kandahar’s Maiwand district after the bloody attacks on Paktia and Ghazni where at least 300 persons were killed and wounded and In the most recent case, nearly 80 civilians were killed during the two separate attacks on two mosques in Kabul and Ghor provinces, which Daesh claimed the responsibility.

If we take a look at the death toll caused by massive attacks of Taliban group on Paktia, Ghazni, and Kandahar provinces as well as the assault on mosques in Ghor and Kabul, we will see that nearly 500 people were massacred in less than a week and the catastrophe still continues.
There is no doubt the terror networks are funded, equipped and backed up by circles outside the country, but the death toll in the past two days, points out the peak of the crisis, insecurity, and weakness in the security sector management and the incompetency of the national unity government’s leadership.
Undoubtedly, the security forces have confronted the terror groups with all power and equipment having in hand anywhere they faced with each other and did not flee the battle field, but what is the reason that by the elapse of time, the casualties of the security forces are rising and become a catastrophe.

There are lots of reasons and factors involved in the crisis and disaster that should be identified and reviewed and must be prevented.
Among the issues that can be directly linked to the escalation of the country’s security and defense forces death toll, are acting officials at security organs, lack of timely assistance mechanism for soldiers in conflict, differences among heads of state, taking soft stance against terrorists by the government and the existence of “fifth pillar” at the core of security decisions that are directly linked to destiny of the soldiers and their death and lives.

The incompetency of the national unity government leadership is not hidden to anyone. In this administration, incompetency and conspiracy have created a catastrophe in every sector.
Now all parts of the country are buried in a black fog and no light can be found, thanks to the incompetency and conspiracy of the administration.

In this situation, the same question is posed, what should be done to get out of this situation and move towards stability?
The answer to the question can be found in three questions.

The complete destruction of “fifth pillar.”
In order to manage the crisis, first, the agents creating it, should be identified within the administration. If there are no infiltration factors within the security sectors and Security Council, undoubtedly, military and defense information will not leak to terror groups and the defense forces can target their centers and destroy them.

Comprehensive assistance mechanism
If the government would have a comprehensive emergency assistance plan for soldiers who are in the same situation as the Maiwand district of Kandahar, there will be no disaster. In order to achieve such a scheme, the acting system should end and the security sector should be coordinated within the framework of a joint staff.

But the most important issue, is the consensus of country’s political leaders. Political differences among political leaders and elders of the country have clouded the security sector and caused confusion. To reach a final solution and ending the current crisis, political leaders of the country should abandon their differences and come together in a general consensus. Unity and consensus of the leaders will take out the country’s security and defense sector from confusion, giving a clear definition of its friends and enemies.
Now, it is the time that ARG should put away its totalitarian spirit and pay attention to this goodness that the only way to get out of this fragile situation and crisis, is just the consensus of all political influential forces within the administration.

Zaher Shokoohmand – (DID) news agency
Translated by Taher Mojab

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