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Pour flower instead of Bullet on us!

During an assembly, some children of Mazar-e-Sharif urged from parties engaged in war, not to take educational opportunities from the children by continuing war in the country.
According to (DID) news agency report, in this meeting, dozens of children from schools and kinder-gardens of Mazar-e-Sharif gathered together and spent an hour with joy and happiness of their childlike world.
In some part of this program, some children were reading their childlike messages.

Muhammad Nadim, one of the children, in a message addressed to parties involved in war, especially anti-government oppositions asked them not to destroy schools and children’s educational opportunities.
He asked from brokers of war with a childish manner; you do not have kid? Your child does not need education? So let’s pour flower instead of bullet on us.
Marjan and Muzhda, two other kids urged from all parties involved in war to provide a secure environment for kids, to go to school and educate.
While, Dr. Najib Paykan, chairman of Afghanistan’s people entity and organizer of the program told reporters: effort to provide a learning and secure environment for children is the responsibility of the citizens and they in a spontaneous act wanted to bring laughs for an hour on the lips of children.

The main message of this program is that kids called armed oppositions “uncle” and expect kindness and benevolence from them. Paykan said.
It can be said that every year in a number of country areas, a lot of children suffer from war and violence in the country and in some cases even deprive from the education and training gift, too.

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