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After 14 Months, Gen. Dostum to Visit Ghani today

Returning to the country after being in exile for 14 months, General Dostum will finally meet with president Ashraf Ghani Monday 30 July.

Returning to the country after being in exile for 14 months, General Dostum will finally meet with president Ashraf Ghani Monday 30 July.
A source close to Mr Dostum said the meeting is going to take place today. However, it is unclear the what topics the two sides will discuss at the meeting.

Mr Dostum had said that he will talk with Ashraf Ghani about the release of Nezamuddin Qaisari – his special representative on public uprising who is under arrest by the government forces.
If the meeting would take place, it will be unprecedented meeting in nearly two years.

The first vice present Abdul Rashid Dostum went to Turkey about 14 months ago and returned to the country last week. Mr Dostum did not attend the official cabinet and National Security Meetings since coming to the country.
The presidential palace has not commented on the probable meeting yet.

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