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Afghan Government Pushing to Repeat past Election Cheat

Transparent election foundation of Afghanistan (TEFA) vowed the government is trying to repeat the 2014 presidential election fraud, saying cheating and electoral fraud have become a common affair in Afghanistan.

“The presidency is trying to repeat previous election cheating in the upcoming election,” said the chief of TEFA Mohammad Naim Ayubzada. “The president’s command to start selection committee is against the electoral law, and president Ghani is seeking to appoint his own agents as head of the election commission.” he added.
TEFA see no reason behind ousting the chief of the election commission.

Mr. Ayubzada considers recent measures taken by the government as creating challenges for the upcoming election, stressing that leaders of the national unity government have stopped all necessary processes to hold a transparent and on time election.
“Holding a transparent election is impossible next year, considering problems the election commission faces,” he emphasized.
The head of TEFA underlined that there is a small group within Arg palace that is afraid of holding the election due to not having popular supports, and it pushes to make the government run longer by postponing the election.

This comes as political, ethnic leaders, and political parties are accusing the presidency of interfering at the election commission.
The council of Tafahum-e Ahzab and political movements critiques of the government have called on major and fundamental reforms at the election commission during separate meetings.
Two weeks ago, president Ghani ousted the chief of election commission Najibullah Ahmadzai; a move which was considered illegal by some political movements including Ahmadzai.

According to a declared chart by the election commission, the parliamentary and district council elections are scheduled to be held on 16 Saratan (August) next year.

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