Afghan Government’s Negotiating Team Finalized
Afghan presidential palace finalized the peace negotiating team late Thursday, stressing that the delegation includes all factions and influential walks of the society. They are tasked to represent the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in talks with the Taliban group.

Afghan presidential palace finalized the peace negotiating team late Thursday, stressing that the delegation includes all factions and influential walks of the society. They are tasked to represent the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in talks with the Taliban group.
The presidency in a statement underlined that the delegation had been finalized and selected after consultation with factions and various strata.
“Wishing them success, President Ghani urged them to consider the country’s national interests, the common values of the Afghan people, and the principled stance of a united Afghanistan in all stages of the negotiations and to work for bringing a sustainable peace and stability in the country,” the statement added.
Abdul Salam Rahimi, the Special Representative of the President and the State Minister for Peace, says that the ministry will provide the facilities required by the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to carry out the peace process and manage all decision-making mechanisms, and will be responsible for carrying out related tasks.
The list would be led by Masoom Stanekzai, a former National Directorate of Security chief, and included politicians, former officials and representatives of civil society. Five members of the team are women.
- Masoom Stanekzai
- Fatema Gilani
- Nader Naderi
- Abdulmatin Bek
- Fawzia Koofi
- Zarrar Ahmad Muqbil
- Abdulhadi Arghandiwal
- Mohammad Rasool Talib
- Habiba Sarabi
- Dr. Ghairat Bahir
- Mohammad Hafiz Mansoor
- Ghulam Farooq Majruh
- Mawlawi Enayatullah Baligh
- Khalid Noor
- Kalimullah Naqibi
- Mohammad Natiqi
- General Ayub Ansari
- Shahla Farid
- Sharifa Zarmati
- Batoor Dostum
- Dr. Amin Ahmadi