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Bringing Peace by Trampling People’s Rights is a Dream: Abdullah

Afghan government’s Executive Director Abdullah Abdullah says providing peace by ignoring the citizens’ rights would be only a dream.

Afghan government’s Executive Director Abdullah Abdullah says providing peace by ignoring the citizens’ rights would be only a dream.
Speaking at a ceremony marking the 15th anniversary of the ratification of Afghanistan Constitution, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah said that peace which ignores the citizens’ rights is an only a dream and impossible.
“There have been no peace talks with Taliban, but efforts underway to provide the grounds for talks,” he said.

Mr. Abdullah also asked the country’s politicians to let peace take place through the Afghan government. He also asked regional and neighboring countries not to interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.
Abdullah said that foreign troops are present in Afghanistan following an agreement with the government and that the issue could be discussed at the negotiating table.
He said that “no Afghan wants the presence of foreign troops if there is peace”.

Taliban are bringing Excuses
CE Abdullah accused Taliban of bringing excuse fight.
“When Taliban had control over some parts of the country in 1996. They (Taliban) in Tashkent meeting argued that Indians are fighting in Afghanistan, Iranians are present and Russians have activity. Maybe the day that foreign troops withdraw from Afghanistan, they will find new excuses,” he added.

Abdullah rejected the possibility of an interim government, adding the postponement of the presidential election was for more transparency and fairness of the vote.

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