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Democracy Through Elimination; Attempts to Remove Government’s Critics from Election

Based on reports leaked from the Afghanistan presidential Palace (ARG), the ruling team in collaboration with some circles within the country’s national directorate of security, provided a list of jihadi political rivals, ethnic influences and critics of the government and has submit it to the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) aimed at removing them from the final list of candidates for the parliamentary elections.

Based on reports leaked from the Afghanistan presidential Palace (ARG), the ruling team in collaboration with some circles within the country’s national directorate of security, provided a list of jihadi political rivals, ethnic influences and critics of the government and has submit it to the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) aimed at removing them from the final list of candidates for the parliamentary elections.

Informed sources announced that the government intends to eliminate its serious critics from the electoral scene by subjecting some allegations.

According to the reports, the names of some of the candidates who are supposed to be removed from the election scene in the final days, are as follows:

1- Qais Hasan from Kabul province
2- Humayun Humayun from Khost province
3- M. Naeem Lalai Hamidzai from Kandahar
4- Abdul Zaher Qadir from Nangarhar
5- Ahmad Behzad from Herat
6- Alhaj Ezatullah Atif from Kabul
7- Sayed Mosa Jenab from Badghis
8- Abdul Latif Pedram from Badakhshan
9- Fawzia Kofi from Badakhshan
10- Sayed Mansour Nadiri from Baghlan
11- Mohammad Abdeh from Balkh
12- Abdul Sattar Khawasi from Parwan
13- M. Almas Zahid from Parwan
14- Sadiqizada Nili from Daikundi
15- Abdul Hafiz Mansour from Kabul
16- Parwin Durani from Kabul
17- Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi from Kunduz
18- Abdul Qayyum Sajjadi from Ghazni

DID Press Agency cannot confirm or deny the accuracy or inaccuracy of this report.

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