
Kabul to host second round of Moscow meeting

Foreign ministry officials say that the eleven participating countries have committed at the end of Moscow conference to attend the second round meeting, hosted by Kabul.
According to (DID) news agency report, Shakib Mustaghni, the foreign ministry spokesman said that the government is currently working on holding the second round of Moscow conference and will announce the date of holding the meeting in the near future.
Foreign ministry spokesman, in relation to the outcome of Moscow conference, said that the participants of the meeting support the government’s stances to lead the peace talks.

Afghan government representative vowed at Moscow conference that there is no alternative to the cooperation of a state with a state, in relation to the peace talks and therefore, every group including the Taliban want peace, the peace gate of Afghanistan will be open to them. According to the foreign ministry spokesman.
The envoy of Afghanistan’s government urged the participating countries at the meeting that there should not be double attitudes against terrorism.

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