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Leaked Documents Shows Government Gives Credits to Hekmatyar

Recently, documents leaked to media which show the national unity government gives large financial and security privileges to Hekmatyar and Hezb-e Islami.
Although the government will justify Hekmatyar’s grand scores on the pretext of agreeing on the government’s peace process, it is said that these points are approved by the government to strengthen Hezb-e Islami against its political rivals.

According to DID news agency report, it has been mentioned in the written documents the bodies and the bodyguards of the leader of Hezb-e Islami should be added in order to protect him which is also signed by the president.

It is said in the documents that 90 posts should be approved within the frame of the protective directorate for distinguished men, in order to provide better security for Hekmatyar.
In another part of the document, it has been said these number of posts are necessary to protect the leader of Hezb-e Islami.

On the other hand, other documents revealed huge amounts of funds from the budget of Afghan government have been paid for the salaries of persons affiliated to bodyguards of Mr. Hekmatyar, which does not match with the credit bill of the protective directorate for distinguished men.

In this document, an amount of 21908500 afgh has been paid for maintenance, food, and supplies of Hezb-e Islami.
It should be noted that Hezb-e Islami has recently joined the peace process and there are speculations it will back up ARG team in the upcoming election.

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