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Major National Coalition to Declare Existence this week – says Ata M. Noor

The chief executive officer of Jamiat-e Islami party and a prominent member of the National Coalition for the Salvation of Afghanistan Ata M. Noor said the major national coalition will declare existence this week, attended the welcoming ceremony of General Dostum in Sedarat.

The chief executive officer of Jamiat-e Islami party and a prominent member of the National Coalition for the Salvation of Afghanistan Ata M. Noor said the major national coalition will declare existence this week, attended the welcoming ceremony of General Dostum in Sedarat.
Mohammad Mohaqiq, another member of the Coalition for the Salvation of Afghanistan said General Dostum came with the people’s vote and should defend it.

Lalai Hamidzai, MP, congratulated the return of General Dostum to the country, on behalf of the people of southern Kandahar province and Kandahar police chief General Abdul Raziq.
Mr Hamidzai appreciated the solidarity of various ethnic groups in northern Afghanistan, supporting Nezemuddin Qaisari.

Ata M. Noor, Mohamad Mohaqiq and Lalai Hamidzai said the Major National Coalition will declare existence this week.

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