Mohaqeq's Eid message:
Our Friends Stand beside Enemies and Deceived by the fantasy that Enemies will become Friends
DID Press: The leader of Hezbe Wahdat-e Islami Mardum-e Afghanistan Mohammad Mohaqeq says “this year our people are welcoming Eid ul-Adha in a situation where tyranny is ruling our country …”

In a message on the occasion of Eid ul-Adha, Haji Mohammad Mohaqeq said the situation in Afghanistan is “critical”, underlining that the ancestral homeland of the people has been auctioned by “foreign mercenary fighters”.
“This year, Eid ul-Adha arrived in a situation where millions of people have emigrated from their homeland and spent months behind the closed borders of their neighbors, barely making ends meet, while 10,000 families are still on the way to abandon their homeland,” he wrote.
Mr. Mohaqeq described this year’s Eid as “Eid of suffering, displacement, loss of identity, and getting lost in an unknown destiny”, adding that our nation is going through dark and difficult days.
“This year, our people are witnessing how their ancestral land has been auctioned for free to accommodate foreign mercenary fighters, and their region is being forced to change identity,” he added.
In his message, Mohaqeq called the Taliban takeover a deal. He mentioned friends who stood beside the enemies and were deceived by their words.
Mohaqeq, however, did not clarify who those friends were.
It is worth mentioning that Mohammad Mohaqeq is one of the prominent figures opposing the Taliban. He currently lives abroad.