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Pakistan Must Swiftly Arrest or Expel Taliban Leaders: White-House

Days after Intercontinental terror attack, the White House asks Pakistan to immediately arrest or expel Taliban leaders.
At least 22 people confirmed killed, many of them civilians, the US White House Tuesday asks Pakistan in no uncertain terms that it needs to immediately arrest or expel the Taliban’s leaders who operate from Pakistani territory.

“We call on Pakistan to immediately arrest or expel the Taliban’s leaders and prevent the group from using Pakistani territory to support its operations,” said Sara Sanders, White House spokeswoman.

The White House statement came even as the Trump administration has doubled down on the pressure on Pakistan, which it says provides safe haven to terrorists and terror groups that carry out attacks in Afghanistan.

“Such attacks on civilians only strengthen our resolve to support our Afghan partners…Afghan forces with our support will continue to relentlessly pursue the enemies of Afghanistan who also seek to export terror around the world,” said the White House spokeswoman.

Late on Saturday, armed terrorists stormed Intercontinental hotel that lasted 18 hours.
Fourteen foreigners were also killed in the incident.

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