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Poor Quality Products Pass-through Herat Customs Paying Bribe

Herat customs officials confirm administrative corruption, saying unqualified goods are being imported into the market ‘unchecked’ through paying bribes.

Herat customs officials confirm administrative corruption, saying unqualified goods are being imported into the market ‘unchecked’ through paying bribes.

The customs officials have also expressed concerns over customs revenues being wasted by some employees.
Confirming financial corruption within the Herat customs department, Mohammad Anwar Rahmani, the head of the Herat customs said during a press conference that “the employees do not check the imported goods in exchange of money.”

He confirmed that most employees of Herat customs are involved in corruption.
“the entry of poor quality goods into illegal tracts to Herat has forced dozens of domestic producers to close their factory gates, and the Herat customs department is likely to be involved with these smugglers,” Saad Khatibi, the head of Herat chambers of commerce and industry had said.

Earlier, local and central government officials have said that Herat customs department is involved in corruption.

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