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Taliban is terror group & their war is illegitimate

Afghan Ulema council showed a harsh reaction to the recent statements of Maulana Fazl-ur Rehman, leader of Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan and consider them as political and intelligence orders.
According to (DID) news agency report, Malawi M. Q. Halimi, a spokesman for Afghan Ulema council at a press conference vowed that the position of Pakistan’s leader of Jamiat Ulema does not have a religious dignity.
He stressed that Taliban’s war against the government of Afghanistan does not have legitimacy and this group has been involved in killing Afghans, therefore, Taliban is only a terrorist group.

“Anyone who hands up to kill the people of Afghanistan is considered a terrorist group.” Mr. Halimi asserted.
Afghan Ulema council showed reaction to the recent statements of a Mawlawi in Takhar province too. “The Ulema council does not recognize this religious scholar in Takhar province and his statements may represent his wife’s point of view.” The council added.
However, Mawlawi Mobasher, a preacher in Takhar province mosque said that women are feeble-minded and lack of wisdom. These statements of Mawlawi Mubashir faced harsh reactions in the social pages.

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