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US Failed as ISIL defeated

The leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei who was speaking at a gathering of youths, said: “we have defeated US by defeating ISIL.”
“We have defeated Daesh in the region, and we have the power to repeatedly prove it to Americans,” said Ayatollah Khamenei, speaking about the defeat of ISIL in Syria and Iraq.
The Iranian leader described the role of Basij (voluntary) forces valuable in the fight against Daesh and destroying them.

Meanwhile, the general commander of the forces Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari said the terrorists eliminated and America was marginalized, adding that Iran is ready to destroy Daesh terror fighters in any part of the region.

On the other hand, the Russian and Turkish presidents at the “Sochi” trilateral summit – hosted by Russia – stressed that putting an end to the war in Syria and eliminating Daesh in the region was impossible without Iran’s role.
Speaking with the Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, the Russian president Vladimir Putin said: “Iran’s cooperation can help bring peace and stability to the region.”

This comes as the Iranian leader and his conservative fans strongly oppose the presence of US in the region, accusing that country of supporting and equipping terrorism.

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