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US Senator Warns:

US Troops Withdrawal would Lead to another Sep. 11

US republican senator Warned in an interview Saturday that withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan would lead to another September 11.

US republican senator Warned in an interview Saturday that withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan would lead to another September 11.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., warned in an interview with Fox News Saturday that withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan would lead to “another 9/11,” saying that America can’t “outsource” U.S. national security to the Taliban.

“If we left tomorrow, the Taliban cannot be trusted to take care of ISIS and Al Qaeda,” Graham said, adding that “They don’t have the capability. So when you ask our intelligence community…what would happen to America if we withdrew all of our forces. They tell us without any hesitation it would lead to another 9/11 in a matter of time.”
“It would be insane to outsource our national security to the Taliban when it comes to ISIS,” he said.
Mr Graham says that the U.S. could reduce safely to 8,600 but anything below that is a “high-risk strategy.”

The remarks come as US – Taliban negotiators have agreed on a 14 month withdrawal timetable during the ninth round of peace talks in Doha.

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