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During last three months:

231 Taliban members killed in North

During first three months of this year, 231 scaremongers were killed and 152 others wounded in Northern provinces of Afghanistan, commander of civil order police in the north said.
According to (DID) news agency report, Hasibullah Quraishi, commander of civil police in the north of the country, in an interview with journalists said, that security forces had achieved a lot during first three months of the year.
He said that 231 scaremongers were killed that most of their corpse remained on the battle fields and 152 of their others wounded in different areas of Northern provinces.
“During this period, scaremongers attacked 82 times which faced crushing response of the security forces,” Mr. Quraishi added.

102 villages were recaptured in the clashes and dozens of weapons and vehicles of the scaremongers were seized by the security forces.
Mr. Quraishi also said that now all high ways of Northern provinces are open to traffic and 2500 public order forces have been deployed to different parts of Northern provinces to provide the security during eve days.
He assured the people of Northern provinces that the security will be provided during Eid al-Fitr days by maintaining tight security.

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