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Afghan Delayed Election; Reactions and Whys

Sources familiar with the government’s deals with the election commission say the election is now in the course of events.

Afghanistan’s election commission announced the postponement of the upcoming presidential election till July during a press conference while declared the primary result of Wolesi Jirga elections for Paktia province.
“The presidential election scheduled for 20 April will be held on 20 July with a delay of three months due to existent challenges. The district councils and the parliamentary election for Ghazni constituency will be held at the same time,” said Gulajan Abdulbadi Sayyad, the chairman of the IEC.
Although preconditions were prepared to postpone the election and the public opinions became somehow ready to accept it, it followed various reactions.
The election commission cautiously and gradually injected the issue of delaying the election into the media outlets under the cover of “lack of enough time and resources”.

Now, the postponement of election occurred and put two sides in oppositions; for and against of the issue.
First, the deputy spokesman of the president Shah Hussain Mortazavi announced the presidential stance regarding the issue.
The government respect the decisions taken by the election commission as an independent institution and is ready to cooperate, he wrote.
The second VP M. Sarwar Danish, in a meeting with the Chinese ambassador to Kabul, indirectly supported the issue, taking a position in which the government has no interference.
The US embassy and UNAMA also backed up the delay of election by releasing a statement. Although UNAMA said past election mistakes are unacceptable, but it appears to be satisfied with the postponement of the election.

Against this front, there are oppositions who are most likely candidates and some parties and institutions. Hanif Atmar was the first nominee who reacted against it and described the delay against the country’s constitution. Ahmad Wali Massoud criticised the postponement of the presidential election in a press conference.
Most importantly, the constitutional review committee described the delay of presidential election as an explicit opposition to the constitution.

Now, the question, which should be answered is that why the government, US embassy, and UNAMA support the delay while the political parties and the candidates oppose it?
There is no doubt that the election commission is under the influence of the government, if it is not direct, it is systematically obedient. Sources which is familiar with the government’s deals with the election commission say the election is now in the course of events. it is thrown in line with the hurricane, the commission has no public credibility or government trust, but it remains in the midst of an uncertainty in the wind like a scarecrow. A commission that does not have the capacity to hold one election, how it can hold four elections in one day.

The government is playing with the election commission, parties and the political movements. It is playing with the peace process to reach the same original goal – the “continuity” (one of Ghani’s slogan during election campaigns).
The task of the current election commission is to fulfill the parliamentary elections and prepare the nominees for the presidential election, district council, provincial council, and Ghazni constituency; then, give its management to new faces.
We should accept that the election commission is playing with the government’s music. However, the government has shown no mercy to anyone and any party.
Shokoohmand – DID Press



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