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CEO Abdullah Meets Khalilzad

The CEO of the NUG Abdullah Abdullah met with US’s Statement department’s special representative on the Afghan peace process Zalmay Khalilzad on Sunday morning in capital Kabul.

The CEO of the NUG Abdullah Abdullah met with US’s Statement department’s special representative on the Afghan peace process Zalmay Khalilzad on Sunday morning in capital Kabul.

The press office of the chief executive officer (CEO) said in a statement that Khalilzad briefed Abdullah the details of his visits from regional and world countries as well as developments on the peace process.
“Thanks to Mr Khalilzad and the US government’s efforts for bringing peace in Afghanistan. we emphasize the importance of Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and the achievements of a just, dignified and lasting peace,” Abdullah stressed. Adding that “achieving peace and stability is the longstanding hopes of the peace and that there is no priority than putting an end to the forty-year war in the country”.

It is worth mentioning that this is the fifth round of the Khalilzad’s trips on Afghan peace to the region and the world.

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