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China, Pakistan Ask Kabul to Join Belt and Road Initiative

Pakistan and China on Monday urged Afghanistan to join the Belt & Road Initiative as well as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Pakistan and China on Monday urged Afghanistan to join the Belt & Road Initiative as well as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
Addressing the opening session of the 4th Trilateral Dialogue between China, Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Chinese ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing said, “Kabul can also act as a bridge to help expand connectivity between East, South and Central Asian regions.
The Chinese ambassador to Islamabad Yao Jing added that all partners of peace would use their influence on fighting groups to join negotiating table for a peaceful solution to the conflict.
The ambassador continued that China would also push the development process in war-torn Afghanistan as it is a facilitator of better dialogue and connection between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The News International reported.
“CPEC is not against any country, it is purely an economic initiative aimed at the peaceful development of its neighbourhood,” he added.
According to the source, Yao Jing said his country would take all necessary measures to achieve peace in Afghanistan.
Ambassador of Afghanistan to Pakistan Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal also shared his views, saying: “As an economist by profession, I believe that a line must be drawn between economics and politics in order for all partners to integrate in regional connectivity.”
He further said that Kabul supports CPEC and its expansion into Afghanistan.

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