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Gen. Raziq Assassinated by Regional Intelligence: official

Speaking about general Raziq’s assassination plot at the parliament’s lower house, the chief of National Directorate of Security (NDS) Masoom Stanekzai considered Raziq’s case over, saying that regional intelligence assassinated him.

Speaking about general Raziq’s assassination plot at the parliament’s lower house, the chief of National Directorate of Security (NDS) Masoom Stanekzai considered Raziq’s case over, saying that regional intelligence assassinated him.
“Raziq’s assassination was not conducted by some Taliban members, but the regional countries’ intelligence was involved as well,” said Stanekzai. “we were aware that general Raziq will be assassinated near polls,” he added.
“first, Taliban claimed the responsibility for Raziq’s assassination but later rejected it,”

According to the chief of the NDS, Taliban wanted to use propaganda war in favor of themselves by denying Raziq’s murder.
“today, the whole region raises voice against the Taliban’s violence. The Taliban have lost their religious and social legitimacy and it is enough for us to act seriously against them in the trenches,” NDS chief said.
“all elements of the assassination of Kandahar Police Commander were identified and some of them were arrested, in total, the attack’s file has been completed in terms of security,” he added.

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