Killing Chivalric Figure
Instead of professor Ata M. Noor, every other politician would first punish the snake in the grass to get his right, not wanting rights for a dragon. Undoubtedly, this would be professor Ata M. Noor, who again will be the chivalric figure and a sanctuary for his people for years to come. I bet.

Translated by Sayed Taher Mojab
Said one among them—”Surely not in vain
My substance of the common Earth was ta’en
And to this Figure, molded, to be broke,
Or trampled back to shapeless Earth again.” Translation of Khayyam’s quatrain by FitzGerald.
Recently, the speeches of professor Ata M. Noor at a private meeting have been published, which seems to be for a long time ago. Ever since he stood alone against everyone and the shameless squad of Facebook users have been harassing him from inside the house and the evils from outside, that is why he is complaining about domestic fellows like Saleh and Abdullah.
The nature of politics among the tribes and people, who have remained on the throne for years is their unity. They also become enemies, but they protect each other. They are thirsty for each other’s blood but will not shed their blood. That’s why they always have a new capital in their ragged sleeve. However, the inferior and all-time bored people have the habit of eating each other. They eat their eldest children first. They look for someone in their tribe who looks like Yusuf (refers to prophet Joseph and his story in Islam) and shines. Then, they throw the same Yusuf, who is the savior and wage of their centuries, into the well, or sell it to strangers, or tear his shirt by the mouth of a wolf. In this way, God equates that tribe with famine and slavery. Again, the same brothers are ashamed of Joseph and the same Joseph saves them. But Joseph, who was forced to seek refuge to the chief minister of Egypt, is beloved everywhere because acting like Joseph (doing good deeds) is his job.
We have spent years this way, threw our Josephs into well and then celebrated. We did the same with Amir Alam Khan. We did the same with Al-Saman (the first Muslim emperors of Mawarannahr), and we did and will do the same with all our elites. That’s why we do not have anything in hour hands. If Dr. Abdullah had not betrayed Professor Ata M. Noor to overthrew him in Balkh, today, he would have had a refuge in the north. Today, he would have taken at least the executive directorate. But what is the use of the executive directorate for someone whose cowardice and betrayal are institutionalized in his blood? What did he do in the past?
Instead of professor Ata M. Noor, every other politician would first punish the snake in the grass to get his right, not wanting rights for a dragon. Undoubtedly, this would be professor Ata M. Noor, who again will be the chivalric figure and a sanctuary for his people for years to come. I bet.