New Restriction: Afghanistan Women Barred from Band-e Amir National Park
DID Press: The Taliban acting minister of vice and virtue at a gathering in Bamyan province said that tourism is neither mandatory nor obligatory and women should be banned from going to Band-e Amir national park.

The acting minister of Vice and Virtue, Mohammad Khalid Hanafi, asked all religious clerics and security agencies on Saturday not to allow women to go to the national park of Band e Amir.
According to him, the reason for this decision was the non-observance of hijab by women, adding that in order to prepare a procedure, women are not allowed to enter Band e Amir.
He said the decision was taken with the consent of Amir ul-Mu’minin, clerics, and the nation.
This ban is enforced until the principles and procedure are prepared and determined.
This comes as two years have passed since girls were banned from going to schools and universities, but the procedure and plan for reopening have not been announced yet.