AfghanistanLatest News

Parliament approves Asset declaration draft law for high-ranking Officials

The Afghan Parliament approved Monday the asset declaration and registration draft law of high-ranking authorities.
The draft law was passed by Wolsi Jirga with a majority vote, which was issued by a decree of president Ghani and sent to the House of Representatives for a legal proceeding.

The plan which was arranged based on article 154 of the Afghanistan constitution will be applied on government officials, including the president, deputies, ministers, governors, mayors, parliamentarians and other civilian and security officials, and compels them to disclose their assets so that transparency could be ensured.
The draft law was approved with 3 chapters and 16 articles.

The move is said to be in line with government pledges made during international conferences that urged Afghanistan to eradicate corruption.
This comes as Afghanistan has jumped from the third-most corrupt country in the world to the eighth in just a year.

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