Taliban’s Damage to country’s Infrastructures worth $1 billion: President Ghani
President Ghani says after the withdrawal of the foreign forces, a new chapter of relations will start between Afghanistan and the international community.

Addressing an event at the presidential palace on Tuesday, President Ghani said that the Taliban’s damage to the country’s infrastructure worth 1 billion dollars.
“Let’s not forget that Taliban’s activities have caused $ 1 billion damage to Afghanistan’s infrastructure. I tell them why do you destroy? If you cannot build and do not have a positive plan, at least avoid destruction,” he said.
The President called on the Taliban to plant “flowers” and “wheat” and take part in the country’s development instead of exploding mines and carrying out destructive actions.
Refereeing to the withdrawal of foreign forces from the country, he said that “a new chapter of relations will start between Afghanistan and the international community”.
According to him, economic relations, strengthening Afghanistan’s security and defense forces, humanitarian aid, and Afghanistan development are at the forefront of this chapter of cooperation between the international community and Afghanistan.
The foreign forces are expected to leave Afghanistan by 11 September 2021.