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Political Veterans to Gather in Kandahar; Major Changes on the Way

Kandahar is expected to host a major political summit on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, attending Balkh governor, chief executive of Hezb-e Jamiat Islami and a senior member of the Coalition for the Salvation of Afghanistan Ata M. Noor, Amir Ismael Khan, Zahir Qadir, an MP, Rahmatullah Nabil, the former chief of national security directorate, Hamayun Hamayun, the first deputy to the Parliament, Amrullah Saleh, Dr. Spanta and a number of other parliament members.

The influential figures on Afghanistan’s domestic and foreign policy are scheduled to discuss current hot political issues, ways to resolve problems, and for a strong presence at the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections.

According to some sources, these political figures who are all counted as critiques of Arg palace and its monopolism system, will fight against policies of the ruling team at national gatherings.
General Abdur Raziq is going to host Kandahar’s meeting which will reduce the security concerns.

According to political analysts, what is really important about the meeting, is the probable participation of Ata M. Noor which will be a serious alarming sound for Arg palace. The trips of Ata M. Noor to different provinces of the country indicate that unlike Arg’s conception, Mr Noor is a national face and can mobilize the people.

Earlier, Mr. Noor had reported of the major political meeting, and devising a national consensus against what was called monopoly and fascism of the national unity government.

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