Ata Mohammad Noor's Eid message:
TTP Transfer to the North will Facilitate Export of Terrorism/ Intellectual Followers of Burhanuddin Rabbani Should Unite on the Axis of Jamiat-e Islami
DID Press: In a message on the occasion of Eid ul-Adha, Jamiat-e Islami leader Ata Mohammad Noor says the domographic change of the north and northeastern provinces with the Pakistani Taliban will drive Afghanistan to complete destruction, turning it into a safe base and a source of exporting terrorism.

Ata Mohammad Noor said the movement of the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) under Waziristani migrants to the north not only expands the scope of the war but also facilitates the export of terrorism from Afghanistan to the Central Asian countries and will disrupt the world order.
According to him, such activities will also hurt the spirit of coexistence among the ethnic groups of Afghanistan, and their consequences will be more bitter and disastrous than what is imagined.
“The plan of the National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan—in the view of prominent streams and influential and key political figures—can guarantee the collective will of the people of Afghanistan and a return to democracy, which will save Afghanistan from the current situation,” wrote Mr. Noor.
He also called for the internal unity and cohesion of the Jamiat-e Islami party.
“I invite the intellectual followers of the leader of jihad and resistance, Burhanuddin Rabbani (martyr of peace), and the followers of the national hero of the country to unite in the axis of the Jamiat Party, so that we can strive and fight for the country and the people without expecting any concessions,” Added Noor.
Pointing out that Afghanistan has now turned into a breeding ground for terrorism, he underlined that the international community is expected to prioritise the Afghanistan problem and take practical measures to resolve it; otherwise, any peril from Afghanistan threatens the security of the region and the world.