
ARG hosting Hekmatyar

Today (May 4th), president Ghani will participate in the ceremony of “Gulbuddinn Hekmatyar’s Arrival to Kabul – the leader of Hezb-e Islami – and implementation of a peace agreement.”
Today, the welcoming ceremony of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar to Kabul will be broadcasted through National (Melli) television at 2:30 pm (local time) in the afternoon. Quoted from deputy spokesman of the president.
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, is one of the political-Jihadi leaders who left the country after the collapse of Taliban regime and turned to political and military opposition against the government.
He signed the peace agreement online with the national unity government, about six months ago and committed to accept Afghanistan’s constitution and work for peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Hekmatyar entered Jalalabad earlier this week and now he is in Kabul; it is scheduled to be warmly welcomed by the heads of state at the presidential palace.

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