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Afghan Saffron Production Rises by 22 percent

The Afghan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL) say that saffron production has risen by 22 percent in the year 2018 by providing the final statistics on saffron production.

The Afghan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL) say that saffron production has risen by 22 percent in the year 2018 by providing the final statistics on saffron production.

“This year, 31,220 acres of land were cultivated of saffron in 33 provinces, of which 12,955 kilograms, nearly thirteen metric tons, saffron were obtained,” said Akbar Rustami, a spokesman for the MAIL.
“saffron production has risen by 22 percent in Afghanistan,” he added. “The amount of saffron production in the year 2017 was 10.6 tons.”

The spokesman for the MAIL said that saffron had the most growth and exports this year.
The provinces of Herat, Faryab, Kandahar, Balkh, Sar-e Pul and Farah have the highest levels of saffron production this year.

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