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Khalilzad Welcomes UN’s Statement on Taliban Spring Offensive

US special representative on Afghan peace process Zalmay Khalilzad welcomed Wednesday UNSC’s statement, condemning Taliban spring offensive announcement.

US special representative on Afghan peace process Zalmay Khalilzad welcomed Wednesday UNSC’s statement, condemning Taliban spring offensive announcement.
On Tuesday, The UN Security Council condemned the Taliban’s declaration of a spring offensive by issuing a statement.
“We welcome the international community speaking in unison on this point,” Khalilzad twitted Wednesday. Adding that “As the UN statement also makes evident, it’s long past time for the war and violence to end, a ceasefire to be put in place, and dialogue and negotiations to begin”.
“The members of the Security Council condemned the announcement by the Taliban of a spring offensive, which will only result in more unnecessary suffering and destruction for the Afghan people,” read UN statement.

The members of the Security Council recognized the Afghan people’s strong desire for sustainable peace in Afghanistan.
“The members of the Security Council reiterated the importance of an inclusive Afghan-led and-owned peace process for the long-term prosperity and stability of Afghanistan, and expressed their full support for the Afghan Government’s efforts to that end,” the statement added.

Ambassador Khalilzad also retreated that “For any party to oppose these objectives is to be on the wrong side of history”.

The members of the Security Council called on all parties to the conflict to seize the opportunity to begin an inclusive intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations that result in a political settlement.

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