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Nadiri and Rahimi; from Kinship to Administrative Mafia

In a presidential decree, all removal and installation from deputy minster to district governor, mayor, diplomats and even business incubators and nearly all governmental posts carried out by administrative reforms directorate led by Nadir Nadiri, and in the other, no decree and promotion can be implemented.

Many people know Nadir Nadiri, crying on television after being accused of corruption, his cries that day struck many people.
Nadiri, a short, handsome young man with a warm face who grew up after Taliban along with Farid Hamidi and one or two other students during Taliban era. Sima Samar was his first discoverer when she asked him to close his law office and join the commission. Those days, he was an intelligent man from Baloch people, before forging him a Pashtun family tree many years later. He joined the commission but did not close his office, he was taking human rights projects to the same office and held his parties there.

Later, he became a relative of Salam Rahimi – a wealthy person during Karzai era – and this was the beginning of a mafia relationship that led to the establishment of Afghanistan information office, then, “FIPA” – a body monitoring election. Both offices had projects worth millions and were considered crucial for building a powerful network. In the first office, there was a group providing information and statistics to foreigners, and the second was playing with presidential and parliamentary tickets.

For example, they were silent about the recent election, and their prizes were secretary of the presidential office for Salam Rahimi and press advisory, then, director of administrative reform for himself, and head of the attorney general for his longtime friend. Thus, they had all Afghanistan and no one could claim against them.

The two presidential decrees on their authority further reveal this mafia power. In a presidential decree, all removal and installation from deputy minster to district governor, mayor, diplomats and even business incubators and nearly all governmental posts carried out by administrative reforms directorate led by Nadir Nadiri, and in the other, no decree and promotion can be implemented without the signature of the presidential office secretary. Joining this with the new attorney general power that has complete authority to prosecute all officials and generals, you will see the unlimited power of the mafia.

They purposefully imprisoned and threatened traders, generals, and their opposition officials in the past one year. Therefore, it is natural that other mafia networks around ARG palace like Ekhpelwak, Atmar, Kandahari groups and Khustiha afraid of them. They show the election of two mayors and several teachers on the cameras of televisions just for play, but they remain silent over how one of the wealthiest figure in Herat appointed as mayor of the province without any test, and three months later, another wealthier man from the family of Qetali become a mayor with the same process. The same story is with Kabul municipality, other big cities and the secretary office of governors.

They have lost the authority to appoint governors to the Ekhpelwak mafia, but are sharing the revenue through appointing their administrative heads. Similarly, their group profits millions of dollars by oil mafia and contracts through “Maihan Petroleum.” The attorney general seizes the rival group, the secretary office takes an extraordinary decree for the president to appoint the head of local oil departments through administrative reforms. No journalists have seen the hiring process of oil, customs, scales, and the heads of the road, economy and urban development which are lucrative but can get information about the recruitment process of teachers. Similarly, no one knows about the recruitment process of the heads of offices, ministers, general directorate of land, oil, gas and standards and … which are carried out in a secret circle, for spying and exerting pressure.

What the German intelligence agency estimates, is that the daily income of this new power ring reaches more than $ 60 million a day. However, they have recently created a group of elite and talented young people as leaders under the age of forty, whose first ceremony took place in a Kabul aristocratic hotel at a great cost to explore new faces from across Afghanistan, and a new generation of future government officials gathered to guarantee the expansion of this ring.

The continued trips of Salam Rahimi to “Dubai” and sending letters to the US embassy to destroy the remaining government officials who are competing against them are carried out by the Information Office of Afghanistan and documenting against the rest through the attorney general’s office. The document also includes charts that reveal this mafia ring having hand in contracts of constructing public buildings by a Lebanese firm, as well as Aqa Khan Construction office and some major drug traffickers, which will be translated later.
It continues …
Translated by Salim Solamal
Translated from the documents of the German Inspection Office in Afghanistan
Translated by Taher Mojab

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