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To Break Peace Stalemate, Anas Haqqani Exchanged with 2 US Professors: Pres. Ghani

President M. Ashraf Ghani confirmed that three Taliban prisoners, including Anas Haqqani, have been released conditionally from Bagram prison.

President M. Ashraf Ghani confirmed that three Taliban prisoners, including Anas Haqqani, have been released conditionally from Bagram prison.

President Ashraf Ghani said during a press conference on Tuesday that Anas Haqqani, a senior member of Haqqani network, Mali Khan Zardan, and Abdulrashid Omari, key members of the Taliban group have been released from Bagram prison in exchange of two American professors.
“We want a dignified and sustainable peace and by releasing three Taliban prisoners, we proved that we have the ability and determination to make tough decisions as well as goodwill for dialogue,” he underlined, adding that “in consultation with the international partners, especially the United States, we have adopted a way that the release of these prisoners does not mean re-joining and escalation of Taliban attacks”.

It is worth mentioning that these Taliban commanders, especially Anas Haqqani, a senior member of the Haqqani network, have been released a day after the Pakistani military intelligence chief visited Kabul.

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