97 pc of Development Projects Implemented: MoPH
Ferozuddin Feroz, the Minister of Public health said Thursday that the ministry has been able to implement 97 percent of development projects in fiscal year of 1398.
Ferozuddin Feroz, the Minister of Public health said Thursday that the ministry has been able to implement 97 percent of development projects in fiscal year of 1398.
“A total of 56 development projects have been allocated to the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) in fiscal year 1398, and the Ministry has been able to implement 97 percent of them,” said Ferozuddin Feroz, Minister of Public Health, speaking at the State Accountability Program to the Nation held at the Government Media and Information Center.
About 200,000 surgeries and 930,000 live births have been performed in hospitals across the country.
“Increasing access to health services, establishing and upgrading health centers, improving the quality of health services delivery, enhancing the efficiency of health service system, fighting against corruption and increasing transparency and accountability in the health sector are the most important achievements of ministry in 1398,” he added.
“Corona virus control units have been established in Afghan-Japan Hospital in Kabul and Balkh province, airports and ports in Kabul, Balkh, Kandahar, Herat and Nimroz,” he underlined.