End of Complaints’ Classification; 16 Types of complaints Identified
The IECC says that the process of sorting out 16,500 complaints filed with the commission in all provinces has been completed.

The IECC says that the process of sorting out 16,500 complaints filed with the commission in all provinces has been completed.
Election officials said Sunday night that about 16 types of complaints, including the increase or decreasing votes in favor of a candidate as well as IEC staff having favored approach during the recounting process, had been lodged with the commission.
According to preliminary categories, Nangarhar province has the highest number of complaints with 2,321 complaints. Kabul with 2,300 and Kandahar with 2000 complaints have the second and third places respectively. However, Jawzjan with 4 complaints has the fewest complaints about the presidential election.
The IECC officials say that the commission has ten days to assess the complaints in some provinces which is not enough.
At the same time, election observer bodies emphasize that the complaints must be assessed according to the electoral laws.
“The central and provincial commissions dealing with electoral complaints should try to avoid violations of the law as far as possible,” said Yousef Rashid, executive director of the Free and Fair Elections Foundation of Afghanistan.
The preliminary results of the September presidential election were announced on 22 December. According to the law, the provincial electoral complaints commissions have got 15 working days to adjudicate the complaints.