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Khalilzad Arrived in Kabul to Discuss Peace

US state department’s special representative on Afghan peace process Zalmay Khalilzad arrived in Kabul on Monday morning to discuss peace with Afghan officials.

US state department’s special representative on Afghan peace process Zalmay Khalilzad arrived in Kabul on Monday morning to discuss peace with Afghan officials.
Mr Khalilzad said in a tweet that he met with President Ghani’s chief of staff Abdul Salam Rahimi and Ghani’s special envoy for regional consensus Umer Daudzai.
“We discussed the urgency of making progress on intra-Afghan dialogue,” said Khalilzad.

According to US state department, Mr Khalilzad will travel to Afghanistan, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Jordan and Qatar from March 25-April 10, as part of the overall effort to facilitate a peace process that brings all Afghan parties together in inclusive intra-Afghan negotiations.

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