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India-US Differences over Iran; Trump Rejects New Delhi’s Invitation

US President Donald Trump has turned down the Indian government’s invitation to visit India on the occasion Republic Day as the main guest which is due on 26 January 2019.

US President Donald Trump has turned down the Indian government’s invitation to visit India on the occasion Republic Day as the main guest which is due on 26 January 2019.

During past weeks, US authorities have repeatedly announced that Trump’s visit from India, which is expected in the winter, will not happen. NDTV reported.
The Indian Foreign Ministry has not officially commented about the issue yet.

Indo-US ties have been under strain lately because of differences over India’s oil imports from Iran and defence purchase from Russia.

Republic Day honors the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950. First, the ceremony was held in different parts of New Delhi, but from 1955 the festival has taken its complete form and is being held in the main street of Rajputs.

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