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Tazkiras Distributed Only for Election Indicates Massive Fraud

Sources on the condition of unanimity told DID press agency that in Chimtal and Shulgara districts of northern Balkh province .

Undoubtedly, the October 20 election focuses on national identity cards (tazkiras). The election commission – which has lost trust among the public opinion – announced that past voting cards will not be used in the upcoming election; because reports released in 2014 presidential election that one person could vote several times, having many cards, while every citizen has the right vote once in the presidential election.
Some political parties at that time also objected to the election commission, saying the electoral ballot was one of the means for fraud.

By the way, the election commission decided not to ballots in the upcoming election, and to use tazkira. The justification of the election commission, is to prevent fraud, but it should not be forgotten that it provides the ground to forge the identity cards. According to reports, forging the national identity cards have started in different parts of the country.

Earlier, the election commission announced that ‘stickers’ will be installed on the copy of the tazkiras as well. Election observatories and political parties protested, saying the issue will pave the way for massive frauds in the election. Eventually, the commission wrote on its official website that the copy of tazkiras are not credential in the upcoming election.

In all, it can be argued that the commission cannot take a firm decision, and it may take a different decision in one week.
Currently, the districts’ nominees in collusion with the nominees of the parliamentary election distribute tazkira – in some districts – to those who are not the residents of the districts.
A number of parliamentary election candidates have nominated some others for district councils to lobby for them among the people; in order to have more votes in the upcoming election.
Sources on the condition of unanimity told DID press agency that in Chimtal and Shulgara districts of northern Balkh province, hundreds of tazkiras are issued for those who are in fact, not the residents of the two districts.
According to the sources, hundreds of people have gone to the polling centers and installed stickers on their tazkiras for the upcoming election.
This comes as the electoral law allows only those to vote in the election who are the residents of the same districts.
DID press agency has spoken with some people who had received tazkira. the owner of the tazkira say they will only use them in the election, then, they will throw them away.

Akhtar Suhail – DID press agency
Translated by Taher Mojab

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